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Request for Proposals – AB 617 Paving Projects – El Centro-Heber-Calexico Corridor including Seeley, CA
Request Information
The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is accepting proposals to reduce particulate matter emissions (PM10 and PM2.5) from paving unpaved lots and roads within the Assembly Bill (AB) 617 Community Corridor of El Centro-Heber-Calexico and West of the Corridor to include Seeley. Proposals must be in accordance with the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Community Air Protection Incentives 2024 Guidelines, (CAP Guidelines) and the ICAPCD Project Plan for the Paving Program, with applicants meeting the following criteria in order to be considered for funding grants:
• Applicant must be the owner of the area to be paved or have authority to pave the area.
• Applicant must maintain the paved area and make project available for inspection if requested by ICAPCD and/or CARB staff during the entire contract period.
• Paved area must be sufficiently utilized as demonstrated in the application.
• All property taxes must be current at the time of application and recipient is responsible for obtaining any permits required to do the project.
• Applicant or their sponsor must have the financial capacity to complete, operate, and maintain the project.
• With exception of schools, cost sharing is required for municipal entities and non-profit organizations at 25% of total eligible project costs (i.e., AB 617 incentive funds will cover maximum of up to 75% of eligible project costs) and private and any other entities at 50%.
Routine maintenance and rehabilitation projects are not eligible for funding, and applicants may not claim emission reduction credits from the project during
contract period. All proposals are due to the ICAPCD no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) on Tuesday April 8, 2025, unless prior alternate arrangements are made with the ICAPCD. Please submit a hard copy of your proposal(s) to the following at ICAPCD:
Miguel Coronel
Special Projects Coordinator II
150 South Ninth Street
El Centro, CA 92243
To further support emission reductions, applicants are encouraged to incorporate an Urban Greening aspect to their Paving Project. Urban Greening and Paving applications, and the ICAPCD Project Plan for Paving and Urban Greening Programs which include all Program Requirements, can be found at
Please contact Miguel Coronel with any questions regarding this RFP at (442) 265-1800 or .
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