Changes in ambient concentrations are displayed by the Air Quality Index as moderate or unhealthy.
Public Advisory
Prescribed Burn Scheduled for March 14 - 16, 2023
Prescribed Broadcast Burning Scheduled at U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
(Sonny Bono Salton Sea Wildlife Refuge)
3/14/2023 – 3/16/2023
FY 23 Grass Burn Units – Unit 461 & Unit 420
Jonathan Shore, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, (760) 348‐5278
Thomas Brinkerhoff, APC Division Manager, Imperial County APCD, (442) 265‐1800
WHAT: Prescribed broadcast burning of approximately 110 acres of grass.
WHEN: March 14, 2023 through March 16, 2023. Burning operations will begin at approximately 8:30 a.m. and conclude by sunset. Both areas are scheduled for March 14th, but may reschedule to March 15‐16, 2023 if scheduled burns cannot be completed in a timely and safe manner.
WHERE: The burn units are located near W. Sinclair Road and Boyle Rd. This is located 9 miles north of Westmorland, CA, and 6.5 miles northwest of Calipatria, CA.
WHY: The goal of this broadcast burn is to reduce the risk of wildfire. Broadcast burns improve the wildlife and game habitat for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Prescribed fires are monitored by fire prevention agencies. The burn is conducted when meteorological conditions are highly favorable, and create no impact to population centers.
WHO: This prescribed burn is coordinated by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Imperial County APCD, and the California Air Resources Board. The multi‐agency coordination is done to minimize impacts on air quality of surrounding communities.
*To view statewide prescribed burns, and other features, visit the Prescribed Fire Information
Reporting System (PFIRS) website:
For more information regarding the county’s air quality, visit
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