The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (Air District) established its permitting program to help protect the public and the environment from harmful air pollutants. Permitting engineers review and inspect stationary sources to determine the level of controls necessary to control emissions from all sources in Imperial County, other than those emissions from motor vehicles. The permitting program helps ensure that the state and federal ambient air quality standards are achieved and maintained within all areas affected by emission sources in Imperial County.
A person/entity must obtain a valid operating permit, through the Air District before any person/entity builds, erects, alters, replaces, operates, or uses any article, machine, equipment or other contrivance which may cause the issuance of air contaminants.
Permit Fees: For 2025, a permit application filing fee of 226.50 will apply. Please contact the Permitting/Engineering Division regarding your equipment, as other fees may apply at (442) 265-1800. Please review the Rule 301 and Rule 302 schedules on the Rules and Regulations tab for more information.
The following forms are downloadable and work best when saved to your computer. Please feel free to call our office, should you have any difficulties with the following forms:
*The following forms do NOT require the submittal of a filing fee: