Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures For Emission Reductions (FARMER) –

Off-Road Agricultural Equipment Replacement Program

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) has grant funds available under the FARMER Program to assist Imperial County individuals and businesses in reducing pollutants from diesel engines by replacing them with newer, cleaner technologies. Grants will be made available to qualified applicants subject to the requirements of the program.


Applications may be obtained by calling the ICAPCD at 442-265-1800 or visiting the ICAPCD website under FARMER.


Applications will be considered based on cost effectiveness of the project(s) and on the date the application was received. Applications should be submitted to Miguel A. Coronel, APC Special Projects Coordinator II via e-mail: or at ICAPCD located at 150 South 9th Street, El Centro, CA 92243 by October 31, 2024 no later than 5 p.m.

El Distrito de Contaminación del Aire del Condado de Imperial (ICAPCD) dispone de fondos bajo el Programa FARMER, el cual tiene como propósito ayudar a las personas y negocios a reducir contaminantes derivados del uso de motores de diésel mediante su reemplazo con motores más limpios y de nueva tecnología. El subsidio estará disponible a solicitantes que califiquen bajo las normas del programa.

La solicitud puede adquirirse llamando al ICAPCD al 442-265-1800 o en la página web del ICAPCD bajo FARMER.

Las solicitudes son consideradas con base en el nivel de mejoramiento/eficiencia de los proyectos y fecha en el cual fueron recibidas. Las solicitudes deberán ser entregadas a Miguel A. Coronel, APC Special Projects Coordinator II por correo electrónico: o al ICAPCD ubicado en el 150 South 9th Street, El Centro, CA 92243 como fecha límite el día 31 de Octubre del 2024, antes de las 5 p.m.

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In Home Air Purifiers Available

for Salton Sea Communities

Salton Sea CAPP 2024

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Imperial County Air Pollution Control District is accepting applications

from Salton Sea Communities to receive In Home Air Purifiers

Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) aims to reduce resident’s exposure to particulate matter by providing indoor air filtration units to residents within the Salton Sea Communities (Salton City, Vista del Mar, Salton Sea Beach, Dessert Shores, and Bombay Beach). Selected residents within these communities will be eligible for portable air purifiers, while supplies last. Funding for this program will be through the ICAPCD’s Community Air Protection Program. Applicants must commit to the following criteria in order to receive funding:

• Applicant must be the owner or renter of private residences or households within the Salton Sea Community.

• Applicants are limited to a single application per household.

• Applicant must submit proof of residency with an application. Acceptable forms include:

o Utility bill (gas, water, energy bill)

o Must have the applicant’s name and address on the document

• Applicant must maintain the air filtration equipment in a manner suitable for the type of air filtration equipment selected and should follow manufacturer specifications accordingly.

All applications are due to the ICAPCD no later than close of business (5:00 pm) on Friday September 27, 2024, unless prior alternate arrangements are made with ICAPCD. Please submit hard copy of application(s) to the following at ICAPCD:

Abigail Arballo, Administrative Analyst

Imperial County Air Pollution Control District

150 South Ninth Street El Centro, CA 92243

Applications can be found at our website under Grants, and you must click on the “Other Grants & Program” tab and click under CAPP.

Please contact Abigail Arballo with any questions regarding this application at (442) 265-1800 or .


El Distrito de Control de la Contaminación del Aire del Condado Imperial (ICAPC) tiene como objetivo reducir la exposición de los residentes a las partículas en suspensión al proporcionar unidades de filtración de aire para el hogar a los residentes de las comunidades de Salton Sea (Salton City, Vista del Mar, Salton Sea Beach, Dessert Shores y Bombay Beach). Los residentes seleccionados de estas comunidades serán elegibles para recibir purificadores de aire portátiles, hasta agotar existencias. La financiación para este programa se realizará a través del Programa de Protección del Aire Comunitario del ICAPCD. Los solicitantes deben comprometerse a cumplir con los siguientes criterios para recibir la financiación:

• El solicitante debe ser propietario o inquilino de residencias o hogares privados dentro de la comunidad de Salton Sea.

• Los solicitantes están limitados a una sola solicitud por hogar.

• El solicitante debe presentar un comprobante de residencia junto con la solicitud. Los formularios aceptables incluyen:

o Factura de servicios públicos (factura de gas, agua, energía)

o Debe tener el nombre y la dirección del solicitante en el documento.

• El solicitante debe mantener el equipo de filtración de aire de una manera adecuada para el tipo de equipo de filtración de aire seleccionado y debe seguir las especificaciones del fabricante en consecuencia.

Todas las solicitudes deben presentarse en el ICAPCD a más tardar antes del cierre de operaciones (5:00 p. m.) del Viernes 27 de Septiembre de 2024, a menos que se hayan realizado arreglos alternativos previos con el ICAPCD. Envíe una copia impresa de la(s) solicitud(es) a la siguiente dirección: ICAPCD:

Abigail Arballo, Analista Administrativa

Distrito de Control de la Contaminación del Aire del Condado Imperial

150 South Ninth Street El Centro, CA 92243

Las solicitudes se pueden encontrar en nuestro sitio web en Subvenciones y debe hacer clic en la pestaña “Otras subvenciones y programas” y hacer clic en CAPP.

Comuníquese con Abigail Arballo si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta solicitud al (442) 265-1800 o

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On November 6, 2007, the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District Board of Directors adopted Rule 310 Operational Development Fee as a mechanism to help mitigate air impacts resulting from the operation of new commercial and residential developments in Imperial County. Redistribution of collected funds during a given fiscal year provide a sound method for emission reduction projects throughout Imperial County.


Section E.7 of Rule 310 requires the ICAPCD to prepare and publish on August 1st of each calendar year an annual accountability report which discloses the total

amount of off-site fees received; total monies spent; total monies remaining; a list of all projects funded; total emissions reductions realized; and the overall cost-effectiveness factor for the projects funded. The published report covers fiscal year 2023-2024. 


You may view a hard copy of the Rule 310 accountability report by visiting the main air pollution control office at 150 S 9th Street in El Centro, CA.

For information regarding the request for proposal for mitigation projects funded by the Rule 310 program visit our Request for Proposal webpage.

Request for Proposal

Publication Date

Request Title

Submital Date

Contact Person

Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia

Contact Email

Request Information

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is now accepting proposals to help mitigate NOx and PM10 emissions throughout Imperial County. To assist applicants, section E.5 of the Rule 310 Operational Development Fee outlines the minimum requirements for each project proposal. Section E.6 outlines the evaluation and recommendation process, based on the cost-effectiveness of each project.

The County of Imperial, Cities, private developers, and the public have an equal opportunity to apply for the available funds collected during the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024. Please refer to the Rule 310 Accountability Report published by August 1 of each calendar year on the ICAPCD website. A hard copy of the Accountability Report is available for review at our office at 150 S. 9th Street, El Centro, CA.


All project proposals are due to the ICAPCD no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) on November 1, 2024, unless other prior arrangements have been made with ICAPCD staff. Please remit a signed hard copy of your proposal(s) to:


Imperial County Air Pollution Control District

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243

Attn: Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia

Should you have questions or concerns please call (442) 265-1800 and ask for Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia.

For additional information regarding the accounting of Rule 310 visit the Notice of Availability webpage for the Rule 310 Accountability Report.