Request for Proposal
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Request Title
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Contact Person
Miguel A. Coronel
Contact Email
Request Information
Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
Request for Proposals (RFP) for
Salton Sea Communities – Urban Greening Projects
The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is accepting proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and exposure to particulate matter (PM) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions, through the implementation of Urban Greening Projects within the Salton Sea Communities (Salton City, Vista del Mar, Salton Sea Beach, Desert Shores and Bombay Beach). Urban Greening grants may be awarded to a city, county, special district, non-profit, tribal government, or public agency or entity for projects to be implemented within the communities specified. Applicants must commit to the following criteria in order for projects to be considered for funding grants:
• Applicant must be the owner of the potential Urban Greening project area or have authority to construct and maintain the project on the property.
• Applicant must maintain the green space during the entire contract period, including tree maintenance up to and including removal and replacement of dead trees, and make project available for inspection to ICAPCD and/or CARB staff.
• Applicant is responsible for contacting Imperial County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office before obtaining any plant material originating from outside Imperial County to ensure all the requirements for movement of plant material into Imperial County are met.
• All property taxes must be current at the time of application and recipient is responsible for obtaining any permits required to do the project.
• Applicant or their sponsor must have financial capacity to complete, operate, and maintain the project.
Routine maintenance and rehabilitation projects are not eligible for funding. All proposals are due to the ICAPCD no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) on Friday, July 28, 2023, unless prior alternate arrangements are made with the ICAPCD. Please submit a hard copy of proposal(s) to the following at ICAPCD:
Miguel A. Coronel
APC Special Projects Coordinator I
150 South Ninth Street
El Centro, CA 92243
Applications can be found on Imperial County Air Pollution Control District’s website, under the Grants section.
Please contact Miguel A. Coronel with any questions regarding this RFP at (442) 265-1800 or .