Request for Proposal

Publication Date

Request Title

Submital Date

Contact Person

Israel Hernandez

Contact Email

Request Information

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is accepting proposals from experienced and qualified contractors to conduct Air Quality Monitoring in Brawley, Seeley and Calexico, in close proximity to the New River for the following pollutants; Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), Ammonia (NH3), Benzene-Toluene-Xylenes (BTX) and associated meteorological parameters.


The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (District) deadline for receipt of proposals is December 5, 2024, no later than 5:00 p.m.  Submittals, either postmarked or emailed after the indicated date and time, will not be considered.  Proposals must be received on or before the date and time specified herein to the following contact person:



Attn: Israel Hernandez

Air Pollution Control Project Manager

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243


ICAPCD appreciates your interest in this project. For questions, please contact Israel Hernandez at (442) 265-1800 or .

Request for Proposal

Publication Date

Request Title

Submital Date

Contact Person

Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia

Contact Email

Request Information

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is now accepting proposals to help mitigate NOx and PM10 emissions throughout Imperial County. To assist applicants, section E.5 of the Rule 310 Operational Development Fee outlines the minimum requirements for each project proposal. Section E.6 outlines the evaluation and recommendation process, based on the cost-effectiveness of each project.

The County of Imperial, Cities, private developers, and the public have an equal opportunity to apply for the available funds collected during the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024. Please refer to the Rule 310 Accountability Report published by August 1 of each calendar year on the ICAPCD website. A hard copy of the Accountability Report is available for review at our office at 150 S. 9th Street, El Centro, CA.


All project proposals are due to the ICAPCD no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) on November 1, 2024, unless other prior arrangements have been made with ICAPCD staff. Please remit a signed hard copy of your proposal(s) to:


Imperial County Air Pollution Control District

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243

Attn: Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia

Should you have questions or concerns please call (442) 265-1800 and ask for Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia.

For additional information regarding the accounting of Rule 310 visit the Notice of Availability webpage for the Rule 310 Accountability Report.

Request for Proposal

Publication Date

Request Title

Submital Date

Contact Person

Israel Hernandez

Contact Email

Request Information

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is accepting proposals to install a minimum of fifteen (15) community sensors capable of measuring ambient PM10 and PM2.5 air emissions. Sensors to be installed within the Imperial AB 617 North- End Community of Brawley-Westmorland-Calipatria.


The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (District) deadline for receipt of proposals is December 15, 2023, no later than 6:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Submittals, either postmarked or emailed after the indicated date and time, will not be considered.  Proposals must be received on or before the date and time specified herein to the following contact person:



Attn: Israel Hernandez

Air Pollution Control Project Manager

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243


ICAPCD appreciates your interest in this project. For questions, please contact Israel Hernandez at (442) 265-1800 or or visit our ICAPCD website at .

Request for Proposal

Publication Date

Request Title

Submital Date

Contact Person

Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia

Contact Email

Request Information

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is now accepting proposals to help mitigate NOx and PM10 emissions throughout Imperial County. To assist applicants, section E.5 of the Rule 310 Operational Development Fee outlines the minimum requirements for each project proposal. Section E.6 outlines the evaluation and recommendation process, based on the cost-effectiveness of each project.


The County of Imperial, Cities, private developers, and the public have an equal opportunity to apply for the available funds collected during the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023. Please refer to the Rule 310 Accountability Report published by August 1 of each calendar year on the ICAPCD website. A hard copy of the Accountability Report is available for review at our office at 150 S. 9th Street, El Centro, CA.


All project proposals are due to the ICAPCD no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) on November 1, 2023, unless other prior arrangements have been made with ICAPCD staff. Please remit a signed hard copy of your proposal(s) to:


Imperial County Air Pollution Control District

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243

Attn: Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia

Should you have questions or concerns please call (442) 265-1800 and ask for Curtis Blondell or Ismael Garcia .

For additional information regarding the accounting of Rule 310 visit the Notice of Availability webpage for the Rule 310 Accountability Report.

Request for Proposal

Publication Date

Request Title

Submital Date

Contact Person

Miguel A. Coronel

Contact Email

Request Information

Imperial County Air Pollution Control District

Request for Proposals (RFP) for

Salton Sea Communities – Urban Greening Projects

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is accepting proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and exposure to particulate matter (PM) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions, through the implementation of Urban Greening Projects within the Salton Sea Communities (Salton City, Vista del Mar, Salton Sea Beach, Desert Shores and Bombay Beach). Urban Greening grants may be awarded to a city, county, special district, non-profit, tribal government, or public agency or entity for projects to be implemented within the communities specified. Applicants must commit to the following criteria in order for projects to be considered for funding grants:

• Applicant must be the owner of the potential Urban Greening project area or have authority to construct and maintain the project on the property.

• Applicant must maintain the green space during the entire contract period, including tree maintenance up to and including removal and replacement of dead trees, and make project available for inspection to ICAPCD and/or CARB staff.

• Applicant is responsible for contacting Imperial County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office before obtaining any plant material originating from outside Imperial County to ensure all the requirements for movement of plant material into Imperial County are met.

• All property taxes must be current at the time of application and recipient is responsible for obtaining any permits required to do the project.

• Applicant or their sponsor must have financial capacity to complete, operate, and maintain the project.

Routine maintenance and rehabilitation projects are not eligible for funding. All proposals are due to the ICAPCD no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) on Friday, July 28, 2023, unless prior alternate arrangements are made with the ICAPCD. Please submit a hard copy of proposal(s) to the following at ICAPCD:

Miguel A. Coronel

APC Special Projects Coordinator I

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243

Applications can be found on Imperial County Air Pollution Control District’s website, under the Grants section.

Please contact Miguel A. Coronel with any questions regarding this RFP at (442) 265-1800 or .

Request for Proposal

Publication Date

Request Title

Submital Date

Contact Person

Adriana Carrillo

Contact Email

Request Information

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is accepting proposals to obtain electric charging infrastructure to support the emission reductions associated with Electric Vehicle (EV) deployment within the Assembly Bill (AB) 617 Community Corridor of El Centro-Heber-Calexico. Submitted proposals must be for the installation of electric charging infrastructure projects. Eligible applicants are limited to local school districts, public, private, government and transportation agencies within the AB 617 Community Corridor of El Centro-Heber-Calexico.


Proposals must be in accordance with the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Moyer Program) and Community Air Protection Incentives 2019 Guidelines (CAP Guidelines). The applicant will be responsible for all permits and location approvals required for the project. Applicant is responsible for completing the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Application for Service prior to beginning the project ( All projects must be completed by Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) certified electricians per Assembly Bill 841. The ICAPCD will select proposals that are eligible and cost-effective under the Moyer Program and CAP Guidelines. Applications may be obtained by visiting the Imperial County AB 617 website at

All proposals are due to the ICAPCD no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) on June 15, 2023, unless prior alternate arrangements are made with the ICAPCD. Please submit a hard copy of your proposal(s) to the following:



Attn: Adriana Carrillo

Air Pollution Control Special Projects Coordinator

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243


For questions on the availability of funds, and other related inquiries, please contact Adriana Carrillo at (442) 265-1800 or or visit our AB 617 website at

Distrito de Control de la Contaminación del Aire del Condado de Imperial

Solicitud de Propuestas (RFP) para Proyectos de Infraestructura de Carga Eléctrica AB 617

El Distrito de Control de la Contaminación del Aire del Condado de Imperial (ICAPCD) está aceptando propuestas para obtener infraestructura de carga eléctrica para respaldar las reducciones de emisiones asociadas con el despliegue de vehículos eléctricos (EV) dentro del Proyecto de Ley de la Asamblea (AB) 617 Corredor Comunitario de El Centro-Heber-Calexico.

Las propuestas presentadas deben ser para la instalación de proyectos de infraestructura de carga eléctrica. Los solicitantes elegibles están limitados a distritos escolares locales, agencias públicas, privadas, gubernamentales y de transporte dentro del Corredor Comunitario AB 617 de El Centro-Heber-Calexico. Las propuestas deben estar de acuerdo con el Programa de Cumplimiento de Estándares de Calidad del Aire Carl Moyer Memorial (Programa Moyer) y los lineamientos de Incentivos de Protección del Aire Comunitario 2019 (los lineamientos CAP) de la Junta de Recursos del Aire de California (CARB). El solicitante será responsable de todos los permisos y aprobaciones de la ubicación necesarios para el proyecto. El solicitante es responsable de completar la Solicitud de Servicio del Distrito de Irrigación Imperial (IID) antes de comenzar el proyecto ( Todos los proyectos deben ser completados por electricistas certificados del Programa de Capacitación en Infraestructura de Vehículos Eléctricos (EVITP) según el Proyecto de Ley 841 de la Asamblea. El ICAPCD seleccionará propuestas que sean elegibles y rentables según el Programa Moyer y los lineamientos CAP. Las solicitudes se pueden obtener visitando el sitio web de Imperial County AB 617 en

Todas las propuestas deben presentarse al ICAPCD a más tardar al cierre de operaciones (5:00 pm) 15 de Junio de 2023, a menos que se hagan arreglos alternativos previos con el ICAPCD. Envíe una copia impresa de su(s) propuesta(s) a:



Atención: Adriana Carrillo

Air Pollution Control Special Projects Coordinator

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243


Si tiene preguntas sobre la disponibilidad de fondos y otras consultas relacionadas, comuníquese con Adriana Carrillo al (442) 265-1800 o o visite nuestro sitio web AB 617 en

Request for Proposal

Publication Date

Request Title

Submital Date

Contact Person

Adriana Carrillo

Contact Email

Request Information

The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District (ICAPCD) is accepting proposals to reduce mobile source emissions (NOx, PM10, PM2.5, VOC) from buses within the Assembly Bill (AB) 617 Community Corridor of El Centro-Heber-Calexico. Submitted proposals must be for the replacement of a diesel bus with a new electric bus. Eligible applicants are limited to local school districts, government and transportation agencies within the AB 617 Community Corridor of El Centro-Heber-Calexico.


Proposals must be in accordance with the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Moyer Program) and Community Air Protection Incentives 2019 Guidelines (CAP Guidelines). The ICAPCD will select proposals that are eligible and cost-effective under the Moyer Program and CAP Guidelines. 


All proposals are due to the ICAPCD no later than the close of business (5:00 pm) June 15, 2023, unless prior alternate arrangements are made with the ICAPCD. Please submit a hard copy of your proposal(s) to the following:



Attn: Adriana Carrillo

Air Pollution Control Special

Projects Coordinator

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243


For questions on the availability of funds, and other related inquiries, please contact Adriana Carrillo at (442) 265-1800 or or visit our AB 617 website at

Distrito de Control de la Contaminación del Aire del Condado de Imperial

Solicitud de Propuestas (RFP) para Proyectos de Autobuses Eléctricos AB 617

El Distrito de Control de la Contaminación del Aire del Condado de Imperial (ICAPCD) está aceptando propuestas para reducir las emisiones de fuentes móviles (NOx, PM10, PM2.5, VOC) de los autobuses dentro del Proyecto de Ley de la Asamblea (AB) 617 Corredor Comunitario de El Centro-Heber-Calexico. Las propuestas presentadas deben ser para el reemplazo de un autobús diésel por un nuevo autobús eléctrico. Los solicitantes elegibles se limitan a los distritos escolares locales, el gobierno y las agencias de transporte dentro del Corredor Comunitario AB 617 de El Centro-Heber-Calexico.


Las propuestas deben estar de acuerdo con el Programa de Cumplimiento de Estándares de Calidad del Aire Carl Moyer Memorial (Programa Moyer) y los lineamientos de Incentivos de Protección del Aire Comunitario 2019 (lineamientos de CAP) de la Junta de Recursos del Aire de California (CARB). El ICAPCD seleccionará las propuestas que sean elegibles y rentables según el Programa Moyer y los lineamientos de CAP.


Todas las propuestas deben presentarse al ICAPCD a más tardar al cierre de operaciones (5:00 pm) 15 de Junio de 2023, a menos que se hagan arreglos alternativos previos con el ICAPCD. Envíe una copia impresa de su(s) propuesta(s) a:



Atención: Adriana Carrillo

Air Pollution Control Special

Projects Coordinator

150 South Ninth Street

El Centro, CA 92243


Si tiene preguntas sobre la disponibilidad de fondos y otras consultas relacionadas, comuníquese con Adriana Carrillo al (442) 265-1800 o o visite nuestro sitio web AB 617 en